Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Week 3 - Street Photography

This week we were given the task of going into brighton and collecting a series of street photography. We were told to capture as many as 150 photographs.

 It was a hard task, as I was not that confident or comfortable in taking photos of strangers.  Therefore most the photos I did take were with peoples walking by or with their backs facing towards me. It was also hard to focus on the subject as they would be moving.

As I did not feel that comfortable in taking photos of people and it started to get dark which mae it more difficult for me to focus on moving subjects. I decided to take a few of the streets, graffiti and buildings. 

I particularly like this picture, as I took it through the shop window in the lanes. I feel the window creates a sense of border and as it was dark outside, the lighting brings out the subject of the photo. 


I like this photo as the light from the shop window bring light onto the girl in the red jacket making her the focus of the image. 

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Week 12 - Web Gallery