Saturday, December 9, 2017

Week 11 - Final Project Photoshoot Contact Sheets

 I organised the contact sheets by separating each model and each outfit they wore and then a contact sheet for each set of group photos. This meant I ended up with 20 contact sheets.

I've marked the pictures I definitely would not be using with a red x on the top right corner of the picture. I felt some of these pictures were unusable because either the lighting was not right or the model was blinking. Some of the pictures I captured had blur as I did it on a slower shutter speed + the model would be moving, I did not mark these pictures as unusable as I thought they seemed quite interesting and with the use of photoshop or even databending I might be able to produce a photo with a different meaning that I did not originally intend on.

Below are the contact sheets.

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Week 12 - Web Gallery