Monday, December 11, 2017

Week 11/12 - Editing - Image 5

With this image, i've edited two images within one. However I haven't decided whether I'm going to use the image where I edited two image sin or just the first edited image.  

Below is the original first image.

Below is the edited version. 
With this edit, I followed the same steps at Image 1, 2 & 3. 

I then had an idea, in making it a bit more complex. So I added in another layer of another group photo I took. In this the models were wearing different outfits as they swapped with another model.

Once I had used the magnetic lasso to create a new layer of just the models I was able to fit them in. 
Taking it another step further I decided to sue the posterize effect on the background layer. I felt this added a lot of noise to the image and mirrored but took my own take on the end product of databending that we previously learnt in a workshop. 

Below is the end product. 

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Week 12 - Web Gallery